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Quantum city prize

Global and Continental Quantum City Prize

The Quantum City Prize rewards initiatives bringing Quantum Science and Technology to the public space of a city. For example, placing posters in the public transport network of the city, or organising an activity in a square of the city, etc.

The idea is that the public should not have to register in an event, or have to travel to a venue, to access the corresponding contents, but will find it serendipitously in the city.

Prizes are divided into 3 categories:

  • cities with less than 100 000 inhabitants.
  • cities with a population larger than 100 000 inhabitants, and smaller than 1 000 000 inhabitants.
  • cities with more than 1 000 000 inhabitants.

There will be prizes for each continent: Africa, Asia, Europe, North & Central America and Caribbean, Oceania, and South America.

The winners of the continental Quantum Cities Prize, in all 3 categories, will then compete for the World Quantum City Prize, to be awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

The details of the prize will by published by 1 March 2025. Submissions will consist of a dossier documenting the initiative, to be submitted through this web page by 1 October 2025.

Find out also about our sister initiative Quantum Cities, for any city who organizes a quantum event.

What is the difference between the Quantum Cities initiative and the Quantum City Prize?

To become a Quantum City, at least one event dedicated to promoting awareness or the understanding of quantum science and technology should be organised in that city. These are events that typically have a fixed venue, and the participants need to decide to go there.

The Quantum City Prize complements this, is more exceptional, and will reward the best initiatives bringing quantum science and technology to the public space of a city. The idea is that the public should not have to register in an event, or have to travel to a venue, to access the corresponding contents, but will find it serendipitously in the city.

See also the Frequently Asked Questions.