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Apr 14, 2023

World Quantum Day Celebration


Naples, Italy


Apr 14, 2023
9:45 pm (GMT+01:00)


  • Physicists and physics students


INO, ISASI and SPIN institutes of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and Università Federico II of Naples with the collaboration of the University La Sapienza of Rome.

Type of event:

Hybrid event

World Quantum Day Celebration alt

To celebrate the world quantum day in the evocative setting of the Museum of Physics in Naples, there will be many opportunities for aggregation and comparison between physicists, PhD students, students and the general public. Starting from the award ceremony of the quantum creativity competition, “quantum suggestions”, as part of the “Italian Quantum Weeks” (IQWs), will follow a session dedicated to the National Quantum Science and Technology (NQSTI) project, which involves many partners present in Italy. Finally will be inaugurated the exhibition IQWs on “entanglement quantum” in Naples and in order to engage a vast audience, there will be two scientific and educational quantum technology seminars, conducted by field leaders.

*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.