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Apr 14, 2022

On occasion of the World Quantum Day 2022 – An International Round Table


Bad Honnef,, Germany


Apr 14, 2022
7:00 pm (GMT+01:00)


  • Physicists and physics students


Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Phyical Society)

Type of event:

Online event

On occasion of the World Quantum Day 2022 – An International Round Table alt

100 years of quantum is just the beginning …!

With this expectation numerous physical societies around the world, under the leadership of APS and DPG, have begun to prepare celebrating in 2025 the creation of quantum physics about 100 years ago and most importantly its relevance for today´s science, technology, and societies. The first world quantum day, celebrated on 14th of April, with respect to the value of the action quantum h, is an excellent opportunity to discuss the state of the art of quantum physics. Our round table discussion assembles pioneers, that have taken quantum processes from the Gedanken experiment to the real world, with young scientists in order to stimulate the reception of quantum science within and beyond the scientific community.


Dr. Ulrich Bleyer (Member of the DPG Executive Board Public Relations)

Prof. Serge Haroche (Collège de France, Nobel Prize in Physics 2012)

Prof. Arno Rauschenbeutel (Humboldt Universität Berlin, discussion leader)

Dr. Doris Reiter (TU Dortmund)

Prof. Anton Zeilinger (Universität Wien, President Austrian Academy of Sciences)

If you want to follow and take part in the discussion, you are cordially invited to join the online Webinar:

Thursday, 14. April 2022, 19:00

Please register here: https://www.dpg-physik.de/aktivitaeten-und-programme/vortragsreihen/registration-world-quantum-day

You will receive the login-data for the webinar upon registration.

For more details, please visit: https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2022/world-quantum-day-2022

*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.