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Apr 14, 2023

Mind and Matter Seminar: Quantum software – is it just software?


Helsinki, Finland


Apr 14, 2023
2:15 pm (GMT+02:00)


  • Scientists and science students


Mind and Matter, University of Helsinki

Type of event:

Hybrid event

In this talk, we will discuss how quantum software is different from classical software, the new challenges it poses, and the new opportunities it brings to different application domains: in our case in particular, to machine learning. The computational thinking required for quantum programs is very different from classical programming. Understanding, creating, and testing quantum software has a steep learning curve. New ideas, competencies, and abstractions are needed to make quantum computing accessible to experts in the ICT field. While research on quantum hardware is very active, the work on quantum software and algorithms is still in its infancy.

*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.