Apr 14, 2022
Kam se usesti v učilnici s pomočjo kvantnega računalnika
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Apr 14, 2022
6:00 pm (GMT+01:00)
- General public, students
Slovene Quantum Technology Community
Type of event:
Online event

The World Quantum Day workshop for students (14 April) is a virtual event designed to showcase quantum computing.
With the help of the participants, we will define an optimisation problem that can be solved on quantum computers, in the form of seating arrangements for students in a classroom. We will learn how a quantum computer tackles this challenge. The event is organised by Qutes, the Slovenian quantum community, in conjunction with the global network of researchers “World Quantum Day”. Read more: https://worldquantumday.org/ and http://www.qutes.si/
Dr Jaka Vodeb is a quantum physics researcher whose work uses quantum computers from D-Wave.
For more details, please check: http://www.qutes.si/popularization/
*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.