Barcelona, Spain
Apr 14, 202310:30 am (GMT+01:00)
General public
Type of event:
In-person event

Imagine being part of the commission that has to decide how to invest the money for photonics research at European level for the coming years: knowing that photonics benefits society in many different ways, how you would distribute funds among different fields research in photonics?
With ICFO Decide Game you will put yourself in the shoes of the policy makers responsible for research and innovation. Throughout the activity, you will obtain the essential information to discuss about photonics and the importance of science and research in our lives, discover cutting-edge scientific projects that are being developed at ICFO, talk to the scientists who work there and make a strategic decision in agreement with the rest of the group.For more details, visit: https://outreach.icfo.eu/icfo-decide-game/
*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.