How can art influence quantum and how can quantum influence art?
To celebrate World Quantum Day (WQD), we propose to connect an international network of academics, artists, and scientists from four institutions across Europe and North America, namely in the USA, Ireland, Portugal, and Denmark. This international network connects academics from different institutions and fields of knowledge (computer science, complexity science, digital arts, future communication networks), and allows a hybrid space to think and discuss this special WQD.
Our international panel of experts will spark conversation among each other and with the audience, exploring the following questions:
- How will quantum internet (quantum communications, quantum networks) change arts and creative practices, in the near future?
- How will these new quantum networks influence the ways artists and scientists work together? How might these technologies become entangled with human creativity?
- How might art influence the creation of the quantum internet?
- How might artistic practice make us rethink the development of the quantum internet?
- How can art influence the outreach of quantum technologies to a wider public?
This event is supported by “Artsformation: Mobilising the Arts for an Inclusive Digital Transformation”. “Artsformation” is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
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