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Jun 16, 2023

1st Mexican NISQ era Quantum Computing Oportunities School


Puebla, Mexico


Jun 16, 2023
9:30 am (GMT-07:00)


  • General public
  • General public, students


CIIEC Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Type of event:

In-person event

1st Mexican NISQ era Quantum Computing Oportunities School alt

To celebrate World Quantum Day. The Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Teaching of Science (VIEP’s CIIEC) organizes the 1st Quantum Computing School (free & face-to-face event). If you want to know the advantages that quantum computing can give you in the NISQ era, register and save your place, you only need to bring your laptop.

There will be a Hackatlon where you can participate and win a prize.

Due to the quota we have a limited number of participants once the quota reach the limit no more registrations will be accepted.

*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.