Naples, Italy
Apr 15, 20242:00 pm (GMT+01:00)
Physicists and physics students
CNR-INO, CNR-ISASI, CNR-SPIN, UniNa, Ponys and Photec
Type of event:
In-person event
We celebrate the World Quantum Day 2024 in the context of “Quantum Treks” activities.
Monday 15 April at Museo di Fisica of Centro Musei Scienze Naturali e Fisiche, via Mezzocannone 8 – Napoli.
The members who work in quantum community, will promote the advancement of quantum science and technology.
The event, addressed to Master student, PHD students and researchers, aims to stimulate and encourage discussions in the field of quantum physics.
For more info: https://nqsti.it/events/world-quantum-day-2024
*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.