Gdansk, Poland
Apr 14, 202310:00 am (GMT+01:00)
General public
University of Gdańsk, International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies
Type of event:
In-person event

Quantum mechanics is undoubtedly one of the most effective scientific theories ever formulated in the history of humanity. Although the quantum theory performs exceptionally well in practice, it is difficult to understand what exactly the matter we are made of is, based on this theory. During the lecture, we will examine together how amazing and incredible it is that thanks to quantum mechanics, we can process information about the material world so perfectly, but at the same time, we completely do not understand what this information refers to.
For more details, please visit: https://ictqt.ug.edu.pl/world-quantum-day-april-14th-2023/
*Disclaimer: The World Quantum Day is not responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted about this event.